At least once a day, Lynndi Lauper and Doctor nln ask each other this question. But it's really code for 'share your workout plan'. And if there is no workout plan, the convo gets even more supercharged as it turns to special topics like injuries, therapies, out of town guests, extensive travel requirements of the gig, or exhaustion. And the other most FAQ is "What are you eating for dinner?" Doctor nln and Lynndi have so much combined knowledge that blogging it was inevitable.

Witness as we beat ourselves up with hideous workout plans and then gorge on lemon heads and sugar free ice cream.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Look What I Saw on a Run

In a beautiful park in a ritzy neighborhood on a sunny Sunday morning, I was so happy to see that people still enjoy a picnic now and then. P.S. This weekend I learned from one of my podcasts (the voices of my run/workout playlist, which are sometimes louder than the usual voices in my head, which if given center stage will constantly point out problems with shoelaces, elastic, beads of sweat, greasy fingerprints on sunglasses, unpleasant fabric textures, uneven pavement, etc. and make the run a nightmare) that the introduction of coffee and coffeehouses in Europe appears directly linked to the burst of creativity associated with the rennaisance, because before coffee, all they had to drink was mead, wine, and similarly sedating beverages because the water was too nasty. Then suddenly coffee comes along, and everyone gets to sit close together at starbucks and synergize the brainstorms that had previously caused drunken hallucinations or barroom brawls. P.P.S. Someday, I will figure out how to upload the video I shot during a run along the highway a few weeks ago, where it appeared that the syringe delivery truck must have flipped, spilling its contents and then getting the heck out before anyone saw.

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