At least once a day, Lynndi Lauper and Doctor nln ask each other this question. But it's really code for 'share your workout plan'. And if there is no workout plan, the convo gets even more supercharged as it turns to special topics like injuries, therapies, out of town guests, extensive travel requirements of the gig, or exhaustion. And the other most FAQ is "What are you eating for dinner?" Doctor nln and Lynndi have so much combined knowledge that blogging it was inevitable.

Witness as we beat ourselves up with hideous workout plans and then gorge on lemon heads and sugar free ice cream.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday Quickie

25 each, 4 times through the cycle:

sprint laps / pushups / thread the needle, each side / ab crunches, variety / tricep dips

Took maybe 32 minutes!

So Doc, I'm boring myself here and want to borrow some of your upper body strength exercises - you know, like that military press thing, the shoulder raise w twist, and whatnot. Please give some suggestions.

Hmm...well it seems to me that you incorporate a lot of arm work in your routines. Hello? 100 pushups??

So, what HAVEN'T you been doing? Some ideas:
tricep dips (I know how much you love these)...so let's have you start with one minute intervals and see how many you can do!

overhead triceps

dead lift with row

military press

bicep curls/walk

ammo run

and let us not forget...military crawls!!!


  1. Thanks!
    I have been doing lots of tricep dips. They're in my 100s a couple of times a week. Bicep curls too. But the other stuff is ALL important to bring back in. I like it!

  2. Tonight I added military press and overhead tris.
