At least once a day, Lynndi Lauper and Doctor nln ask each other this question. But it's really code for 'share your workout plan'. And if there is no workout plan, the convo gets even more supercharged as it turns to special topics like injuries, therapies, out of town guests, extensive travel requirements of the gig, or exhaustion. And the other most FAQ is "What are you eating for dinner?" Doctor nln and Lynndi have so much combined knowledge that blogging it was inevitable.

Witness as we beat ourselves up with hideous workout plans and then gorge on lemon heads and sugar free ice cream.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Help me save Lynndi from herself!

If you are out there reading this, then you are probably Lynndi ('cause let's be honest, no one else is reading this blog). But, on the off chance that you AREN'T Lynndi, please help me.

Help me explain to Lynndi that if you don't rest an injury it will get worse.

Help me explain to her that she does, in fact, need to roll/stretch said injury and YES even apply ice to it.

Help me explain to her that (despite my many comments to the contrary) the elliptical is not the source of all evil and it will provide a good workout--though I will concede that it is not the same as running.

Help me explain to her that getting a quick evaluation from the sports medicine trainers, while perhaps a minor inconvenience of time, may result in knowing exactly the extent of her injury and treatment to heal the injury as quickly as possible.

Oh, and also, I ran 6 miles today and did some core stuff!!

I HOPE that you (Lynndi) did the elliptical and called it a night!


  1. I'm reading!
    Trust her, Lynndi, she's a doctor. She didn't go to four years of medical school for nothing.

  2. First, an update:
    On Tuesday, I ran only three delightful miles on the treadmill, right behind you, nln, and then went to Thom's abs class, right next to you. It was okay to do a short and simple workout like that because I was very sore from the Monday night routines (from Men's Health). On Wednesday, I was still sore from that, so I fell asleep on the couch and didn't work out at all. TOTAL SCORE: Sleep; overall soreness unrelated to hip.

    This brings us to Thursday night.
    When i was checking out my cool new workout duds in the mirror, I thought my right hip looked swollen. I asked you if it looked swollen. Before I knew it, I was surrounded by you and various other experts insisting that I stop running for two weeks. But I never said my hip hurt from running or after running! I just said it hurts a little (even when sitting or breathing very slowly) and asked if it looked funny! So I took the advise of the angry mob and went to Abs class and then did 50 minutes of mind-numbing elliptical. I closed my eyes to fully appreciate the podcast and just drove the dang thing as hard as I could, and it was a fine workout. BUT I'M GONNA RUN OUTSIDE TOMORROW BECAUSE IT DOESN'T HURT MY HIP ONLY MY REPUTATION.
