At least once a day, Lynndi Lauper and Doctor nln ask each other this question. But it's really code for 'share your workout plan'. And if there is no workout plan, the convo gets even more supercharged as it turns to special topics like injuries, therapies, out of town guests, extensive travel requirements of the gig, or exhaustion. And the other most FAQ is "What are you eating for dinner?" Doctor nln and Lynndi have so much combined knowledge that blogging it was inevitable.

Witness as we beat ourselves up with hideous workout plans and then gorge on lemon heads and sugar free ice cream.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I am so proud of Lynndi!

It amazes and shocks me, Lynndi, that you are actually listening to your body and modifying your workouts. As much as I hate the elliptical (and allow me to clarify that my hatred for the elliptical comes from the fact that when I am on the elliptical it is because I am injured and unable to run) it really is a great workout! I think the Fitness Center is trying to send you a message. They have 2 classes on the schedule this winter: "The Abs class" and "Healthy Backs" the only thing they left out was "Lynndi, these classes are for YOU." It seems to me that the universe is aligned to help make you healthy. Now, WHAT can I do to convince you that if you actually got a little more sleep you would heal more quickly???

I also have to comment on your comment of my previous post. YES, it is true, I actually ate the Lemonheads and I have a bunch leftover for the NEXT movie I go to...wanna go see a movie sometime????


  1. I could probably learn to love the elliptical now that I know it doesn't break when you go fast. You are also correct about the HB/ABs offerings, as I was greeted with a cryptic hello by the instructor/director when I arrived. Happily, I was able to do all of the exercises, even obliques, which means my back is getting better against all dire predictions. I don't think I can join the HIIT group on Wednesday due to scheduling and hip issues, but I'm encouraged now that life does continue after injury.

    And yes, I am looking forward to the next twenty gallon tub of buttered popcorn!

  2. I forgot to tell you about the Tuesday night workout! Abs class first, then a bunch of kettle swings under the supervision of Luke of Seagulls, then forty minutes on the elliptical, and then some things with weights, which I have since forgotten. Maybe shoulder raises and stuff like that... crud.
